Principles of Abundance

Have you ever looked at someone who seems to “have it all” in terms of material possessions and been a bit jealous? Perhaps you even thought badly about them, out of jealousy for what they have, seemingly without effort. However, this is counter-productive. You are simply seeing the principles of abundance in action, and you must put them into action in your own life. This involves many things. … [Read more...]

The Truth About Yoga

In this day and age of New Age philosophies and globalization of cultures, the practice of yoga has become a very commonplace thing in our society. Yoga is also just as widely misunderstood by  those who have never looked into it—or looked at it in the right perspective! What is the truth about yoga? First of all, a small history lesson. Yoga means, in the ancient language of Sanskrit, “to yoke … [Read more...]