Practice Gratitude

Many people would be truly surprised to know that gratitude is very important when it comes to happiness and being balanced in life. Why? Because someone who is ungrateful doesn’t think about the effects of their actions on others; they don’t accept that life is about give and take, the ripples their actions and attitudes cause in the lives of others. Gratitude is the expression of … [Read more...]

Manifestation Basics

We manifest, or make happen, all the things we expect, our expectations, with the energy that fuels manifestation: choice. What this means is that manifestation is encompassed in the physical, but that isn’t quite true. We also feed into the energy and processes of manifestation with our thought processes, emotions, and our reaction to things we don’t even realize are happening in the spiritual … [Read more...]

Simple Meditation Tips to Reduce Stress

Have you ever felt like your head was just going to explode, you couldn’t nail a thought down or complete a sentence? You have probably been there, where life is just stressing you out completely, and you can’t seem to find a starting or stopping point. It is at times like these that meditation is absolutely necessary to regain peace of mind. No, meditation is not a dirty word or a no-no for … [Read more...]

Is Meditation Really for Me?

Maybe you have heard about meditation before, and shunned it, thinking that it was only something New Age devotees do. Although you are correct in a way, the New Agers don’t have the market cornered on meditation. Think back to the Psalms, where David and other lovers of God expressed their appreciation for Him and His creation through “meditation”. “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation … [Read more...]

Serving God by Serving Yourself First

It isn’t a crime to serve yourself. How many of us have been there: family dinner. There is something wonderful, your favorite dish, perhaps, at Thanksgiving. But it’s also everyone else’s favorite dish! You, being the fine Christian you are, being the living example of Christ you strive to be, sit back, and let everyone else pig out on your favorite. You miss out. On the surface, you feel good: … [Read more...]

The Truth About Yoga

In this day and age of New Age philosophies and globalization of cultures, the practice of yoga has become a very commonplace thing in our society. Yoga is also just as widely misunderstood by  those who have never looked into it—or looked at it in the right perspective! What is the truth about yoga? First of all, a small history lesson. Yoga means, in the ancient language of Sanskrit, “to yoke … [Read more...]