Manifestation Basics

We manifest, or make happen, all the things we expect, our expectations, with the energy that fuels manifestation: choice. What this means is that manifestation is encompassed in the physical, but that isn’t quite true. We also feed into the energy and processes of manifestation with our thought processes, emotions, and our reaction to things we don’t even realize are happening in the spiritual (unseen) world.

Here below are some principles of the concept of manifestation. This is the basis, the foundation, that you have to work with in your life.

YOU create your experience. ALL of it.

Yes, every last bit — the good, the bad, and all the things going on in the world that you never notice. You are a powerful manifestor. You run the show. You are the audience, the projector, and the big screen your experience is played on.

You are not a victim, a feather tossed upon the winds of circumstance. You are in charge of creating your experience, ALL of it. People are very powerful manifestors. Think about the Bible verses: getting saved is done through a belief in your heart and confession of your mouth about the Lordship and Divinity of Christ. This is the same process for other things in your life. By making positive affirmations, by working toward the goals you set, you manifest the energy to make things happen in your life. If you manifest negativity, you can bet you won’t succeed. It is all related.

You have to be present to manifest something.

Manifestation is a conscious and purposeful thing. You can occasionally be the benefit of positive manifestation by others, but this is not enough. You need to be present, or conscious and aware, to manifest experiences.

You create your present and future through choice.

A choice is an energy event. Every time you make a decision, energy is released. Think about it like chemistry: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, etc. Perhaps it doesn’t require a physical component—sometimes it does, such as you choosing not to do something that you know you shouldn’t, like cross a busy intersection blindfolded. These choices are very important in manifestation, because they lay a foundation for your life. If you choose to work hard instead of goofing off, you will manifest more positive results through your positive choices. However, these choices can also be about your attitude. You can choose to be pessimistic, and put the energy into negativity, and you will seldom be successful, because the energy you release through your choices is negative. Choosing to be positive, working toward goals, manifesting positivity and change through thought and deed, will bring the right results.

Choices are both conscious as well as unconscious.

You are the author of your own destiny, you are the plotter of your own course in life. You are not merely a “feather on the wind,” blown about aimlessly, your choices made for you. No matter how bad your external situation is, meaning, the state of your life that you can’t change (such as being born with a physical disability, or into poverty, etc.), you still have a measure of control over your life.

You can’t make choices for others.

No matter how much you may want to, you can’t plot someone else’s course in life. You can choose to influence their existence positively, manifesting good things in their life, but you can’t control them. You have to allow everyone else to make their own mistakes and gain their own successes. This is particularly difficult for parents to do, especially in the face of older children leaving the nest.

In sum, everyone is the captain of their own ship. Sure, the wind and waves are out there and influence you, but they can’t determine your life’s progression, unless you choose to let them. Manifest the positive in your life. Think about the goodness of God, confess the good things he has done, and make good choices that will result in good energy being released in your life. Choose to take control of the manifestation of events in your life.

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