Health – Being ProActive vs Reactive

Health & Life Mastery - Being ProActive VS ReActive Seeing people lose their health, get sicknesses and diseases breaks my heart. I am not only speaking about what happens in other countries. I am speaking about what is happening everyday in America. It is said that America is the most advanced and developed country in the world. While we have incredible technology and wealth, the general … [Read more...]

Having Constant Growth

One of the ongoing frustrations that I have experienced over the years is wondering when I would arrive. When am I going to arrive at the destination? The destination of success. When am I going to reach the level of impact that I desire. Where is the finish line? Then I heard a quote from Ed Mylett on his podcast that changed everything... … [Read more...]

What is Your Passion?

It is very unfortunate that so many people are walking through life, just existing. I don’t mean that they are depressed, useless, or even unhappy—they just have no passion! Passion is one of the spices of life: it adds flavor and personality, and it provides an impetus to succeed, to keep going, to excel. Being passionate about something gives it more dimension. Think about the difference between … [Read more...]

Practice Gratitude

Many people would be truly surprised to know that gratitude is very important when it comes to happiness and being balanced in life. Why? Because someone who is ungrateful doesn’t think about the effects of their actions on others; they don’t accept that life is about give and take, the ripples their actions and attitudes cause in the lives of others. Gratitude is the expression of … [Read more...]

Your Body is Talking, Is Anyone Listening?

You wake up in the morning, stretch, sit up on the side of the bed, get up and walk to the bathroom to get ready for the day.  At this point your body has already said so many things to you.  It may have said, how well rested you feel, how freely moving your muscles and joints are, how spry and energetic you notice your initial activities, how clear you head is, filling with wonderful thoughts and … [Read more...]

The Power of Silence

If you are a student of history, you will have read numerous times about religious devotees of various faiths who have taken vows of silence. You may wonder why, what is so important about silence? The answer is not in the importance of silence itself: it is what happens when you still yourself and allow God to manifest Himself to you. Think about how in a noisy, crowded room it’s hard to pick out … [Read more...]

Connect To Your Healthy Body: 10 Basic Principles

Everyone has gone through periods of their life where they feel disconnected from their bodies. This often happens after a period of stress, illness or major changes. Your daily rituals get disrupted, you shirk on healthy habits, you start cutting corners—and before you know it, you feel lost within yourself. How can you get connected with your healthy body again? Our bodies are the temples of … [Read more...]

Manifestation Basics

We manifest, or make happen, all the things we expect, our expectations, with the energy that fuels manifestation: choice. What this means is that manifestation is encompassed in the physical, but that isn’t quite true. We also feed into the energy and processes of manifestation with our thought processes, emotions, and our reaction to things we don’t even realize are happening in the spiritual … [Read more...]

Simple Meditation Tips to Reduce Stress

Have you ever felt like your head was just going to explode, you couldn’t nail a thought down or complete a sentence? You have probably been there, where life is just stressing you out completely, and you can’t seem to find a starting or stopping point. It is at times like these that meditation is absolutely necessary to regain peace of mind. No, meditation is not a dirty word or a no-no for … [Read more...]

Using Meditation to Connect with God (Meditation as Prayer)

Meditation is, in many ways, a form of prayer. It essentially forms a conduit through which your mind and spirit can “hook up” with the unconscious, the unseen, the things of the spirit: God. There is no surprise that the Psalms and other scriptures have people constantly speaking about the meditations of their heart and how that manifests results in their lives. Meditation is a way to still your … [Read more...]