The Power of Silence

If you are a student of history, you will have read numerous times about religious devotees of various faiths who have taken vows of silence. You may wonder why, what is so important about silence? The answer is not in the importance of silence itself: it is what happens when you still yourself and allow God to manifest Himself to you. Think about how in a noisy, crowded room it’s hard to pick out … [Read more...]

Using Meditation to Connect with God (Meditation as Prayer)

Meditation is, in many ways, a form of prayer. It essentially forms a conduit through which your mind and spirit can “hook up” with the unconscious, the unseen, the things of the spirit: God. There is no surprise that the Psalms and other scriptures have people constantly speaking about the meditations of their heart and how that manifests results in their lives. Meditation is a way to still your … [Read more...]

Serving God by Serving Yourself First

It isn’t a crime to serve yourself. How many of us have been there: family dinner. There is something wonderful, your favorite dish, perhaps, at Thanksgiving. But it’s also everyone else’s favorite dish! You, being the fine Christian you are, being the living example of Christ you strive to be, sit back, and let everyone else pig out on your favorite. You miss out. On the surface, you feel good: … [Read more...]