What is Your Passion?

It is very unfortunate that so many people are walking through life, just existing. I don’t mean that they are depressed, useless, or even unhappy—they just have no passion! Passion is one of the spices of life: it adds flavor and personality, and it provides an impetus to succeed, to keep going, to excel. Being passionate about something gives it more dimension. Think about the difference between … [Read more...]

Serving God by Serving Yourself First

It isn’t a crime to serve yourself. How many of us have been there: family dinner. There is something wonderful, your favorite dish, perhaps, at Thanksgiving. But it’s also everyone else’s favorite dish! You, being the fine Christian you are, being the living example of Christ you strive to be, sit back, and let everyone else pig out on your favorite. You miss out. On the surface, you feel good: … [Read more...]